WWE 2K23: 15 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

11. Mankind

WWE 2K23 Jon Moxley
2K Games

Creator: KeyboardChairmanMusician

Downloads: 145

Time to pick a bone with the fine folks at 2K towers.

Why isn't there a proper Mankind character in 2K23?! Mick Foley's masked original isn't even coming as part of the five DLC packs set to be released incrementally throughout the year. That's simply unacceptable. Sure, it's nice that Cactus Jack is on the roster, but...no Mankind?

Thankfully, the interestingly-named KeyboardChairmanMusician has come to the rescue with the best version of Mankind you'll find on the servers right now. Some of the others are a tad rough around the edges, but this one is as close as you'll get to the real deal.

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