WWE 2K23: 15 Legends Who Must Be Included

7. Retro Kane

WWE 2K23 Goldust
2K Games

Last Appearance: WWE 2K19

Right, you're probably staring at this one and saying, "...but Kane is always in WWE games'. Yes, yes he is, albeit not as the classic version from 1997-1998. 2K22 had modern-day Kane and a mask-less version from 2008 (which was magic), but not the emotionless wrecking machine fans were first introduced to 25 years ago.

Twenty. Five. Years. Wow!

Retro Kane last appeared in WWE 2K19, and that's annoying for purists who want to relive his earliest moments on the pro wrestling map. Current Kane blows compared to the one Paul Bearer unleashed on The Undertaker in the late-90s.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.