WWE 2K23: 18 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download

11. DDP

WWE 2K23 Mankind
2K Games


Downloads: 14,838

Yo, it's he, it's he, it's D...D...P.

Traditional WCW lovers playing WWE 2K23 will adore what ATTITUDECREATIONZ has done with this Diamond Dallas Page model. His hair is massive (backcomb that bitch!) the tattoo work resplendent, and Page even has his discounted "dad jeans" on for maximum effect in the second attire slot.

That everyman look helped endear DDP to a whole generation of wrestling fans, and it turned him into one of WCW's most unlikely success stories in the 90s. Relive the glory days of knocking back the nWo and hitting Diamond Cutters aplenty by joining the near-15,000 strong who have already downloaded this CAW.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.