WWE 2K23: 18 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download

10. Lex Luger

WWE 2K23 Mankind
2K Games

Creator: DrGorillaNuts

Downloads: 1,079

Initially, there was a different 'Sexy Lexy' in this spot. Then, yours truly stumbled across what DrGorillaNuts has done with Luger. This is one of the newer models on the download tabs, but that doesn't mean you should skip it if you're in the hunt for some Lex goodness.

His standard WCW look is there, and so is the nWo Wolfpac variation of his run (complete with hair scraped back for maximum Wolfpac cool points). It's going to be difficult for anybody to top this Luger character, to be honest. It really is the total package.

Oh man, sorry about that.

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