WWE 2K23 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Demand

7. Game Speed Sliders

WWE 2K23
2K Games

2K22 does include sliders for things like how often the AI uses weapons or reverses moves, and that's awesome. Being able to decide whether or not Brock Lesnar F5s the t*ts off everyone in sight or barely goes for his finisher at all makes the game more customisable and tailored to individual players.

Players who demand more.

It'd be nice if 2K let you tweak the overall speed of the in-ring action. Other games, like the FIFA series, have this in their options menus, so it wouldn't be too much of a chore for 2K to experiment with it during beta testing for 2K23. Why not? They boast about a customisable experience anyway.

Having game speed sliders would let fans shift between measured wrestling and balls-to-the-wall arcade style gameplay. Surely that freedom would be a huge plus point for the series, one that feeds the 'something for everybody' boast that 2K used before 2K22's launch.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.