WWE 2K23 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Demand

8. Roster Downloads/Uploads

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Or, this.

Anyone who played Adam Ryland's much-loved EWR series will know the score. Back then, in that text-based adventure, people could create entire worlds and easily implement them into the game. So, to explain, you could quickly control the wrestling scene in 1996, and everything (from rosters, shows and titles to factions, personalities and more) felt authentic.

There's no reason why 2K23 couldn't let Community Creations junkies go wild with that sort of thing in the next title. Being able to download a full pack of WCW's roster from 1998, one that comes pre-loaded with arenas for Nitro, Thunder and pay-per-view, would make things so much easier.

That'd also liven up Universe Mode and mean players could get stuck into things with less hassle. Jumping right into a pre-made world or specific time period sounds like a hoot, and it's something 2K should really think about.

Bring on reliving TNA in 2005, baby.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.