WWE 2K23 Superstar Ratings: 10 Biggest Surprises & Snubs

1. Snub - Sami Zayn (84)

Sami Zayn 2K

Sami Zayn is one of the best workers in modern wrestling.

Sami Zayn has blossomed into one of the best promos in modern wrestling.

Sami Zayn has been the cornerstone of the WWE's best story since Daniel Bryan and the Yes Movement.

Sami Zayn is only worth 84 points.

To quote Sesame Street, "One of these things is not like the other".

It's deeply ironic that, after giving up his gimmick of being a whiny conspiracy theorist, Sami Zayn is the victim of such a blatant act of disrespect that he could reasonably declare himself to be the victim of sinister forces. Or, if not sinister forces, then deeply, deeply stupid ones.

Did 2K Games miss everything that's happened with Sami and the Bloodline over the past year? Sami's rise to the level of superstardom he's at now may have caught everyone by surprise, but his story with the Bloodline started in April last year and has produced consistently great TV from day one. Surely someone at 2K Games must have realised that Sami deserved to be rated higher than micarders like Damian Priest (84) and Johnny Gargano (84)?

No disrespect intended to Damian and Johnny. They're good, but we're sure even they'd acknowledge that Sami has been operating on a whole other level for the past year.

Oh well. Roll on WWE 2K24!

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.