WWE 2K23 Superstar Ratings: 10 Biggest Surprises & Snubs

4. Surprise - Becky Lynch (96)

Sami Zayn 2K

If WhatCulture allowed for single-sentence entries, this one would just read "The Man outscores The Undertaker".

Becky Lynch may only have beaten the Phenom by a single point (96-95), but it's still surprising to see her ranked higher than WWE's most iconic creation.

Surprising, but not undeserved.

Simply put, Becky Lynch deserves all the acclaim that comes her way. She legitimately changed the face of women's wrestling - without Becky, women would not be main eventing WrestleMania and superstars like Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley wouldn't be as fĂȘted as they are now, had The Man not set the stage for them.

Honestly, the only nitpick we have with this rating is that it's another example of 2K Games' bewildering ranking methodology . Becky absolutely deserves to be ranked as an all-time legend, but it's a bit weird that she's ranked a whole four points higher than she was in 2K22 given that the past year has seen her lose her Raw Women's Championship and miss a significant chunk of TV time due to injury.

Still, we can't imagine Becky will be disappointed with her ranking. Unlike the next wrestler on the list...

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.