WWE 2K24: 10 Changes From 2K23 That Must Happen

7. Unique Backstage Layouts

WWE 2K24
2K Games

Licensing the layouts of real-life venues like the timeless Madison Square Garden or modern faves like Barclays Center could prove troublesome, but crafting generic templates based on those places shouldn’t be too difficult for 2K - especially backstage behind the curtain.

2K23's "Backstage Brawls" are riotous fun, and they'd be even better if a handful of different area layouts were available. Having three-four venues with unique hallways, locker rooms etc would be great, and it's surely achievable with the processing power of current hardware.

Let's mix things up a bit.

Bespoke backstage areas would bring 2K24 to life, and it'd turn these occasional jaunts to the back into full-blown must-play match types that are especially excellent with friends. After all, who doesn't want to roam the city streets in New York like gamers (sort of) got to do way back in SmackDown 2: Know Your Role?

Those behind-the-curtain brawls could be even more banter-filled.

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