WWE 2K24: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

6. WWE World Tour Mode

WWE 2K24 CM Punk Bray Wyatt

This sounds rather funky.

WrestlePurists reported back in November 2023 that Triple H plans to change perceptions on how international workers are portrayed in WWE. The company is a global brand, and will also take more PLEs than ever before on the road to countries like Germany, France and Australia in 2024.

That's why there's some chatter about a possible "WWE World Tour" mode that'd mimic what fight fans see in titles like Street Fighter. Adding some diverse international flavour isn't a bad idea at all, but what would the mode actually entail? If implemented, it's likely to just be a series of matches against some of the best non-US workers on the roster.

2K could go further with this idea by letting players wrestle in front of unique crowds that have their own country-specific atmospheres. Fans in France are different from those in the UK, for example. No less rowdy, presumably, but they'll have their own quirks.

Sounds fun.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.