WWE 2K24: 15 Legends Who Must Be Included As DLC

14. Luna Vachon

WWE 2K24 Sting
2K Games

Last Appearance: WWF Raw (Mega Drive/Genesis)

Right, time to show Luna some well-earned love.

Vachon was a trailblazer during her time in the company. She was a tough nut during an era when that wasn't the norm for women, then successfully continued her rugged characterisation at a time when Playboy was more prevalent than pinfall attempts in the division.

Seeing Luna get her flowers in WWE 2K24 would be a real treat. Sadly, she hasn't been spotted in WWE games for a long time. Chyna is a regular on the roster these days, so it's only right that Vachon gets recognition for her revolutionary ways as well.

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