WWE 2K25: 10 Gameplay Details You Need To Know

4. Chain Wrestling Is Back

wwe2k25 reigns
2K Games

WWE 2K15's inclusion of a chain wrestling mechanism took players one step closer to a wholly accurate portrayal of a WWE match. Collar-and-elbow lockups form the basis of 99.9% of wrestling bouts, and while starting every match as such wasn't for everyone, it was a neat feature that 2K was rightly lauded for.

It's back in WWE 2K25.

Whether it'll work exactly as it did in 2K15 through 2K20 remains to be seen, as details are scarce. Previously, locking up at the start of a contest would present the player with a choice of three options: a side headlock, a wrist lock, or a waist lock, which operated on a rock, paper, scissors system. From here, a brief mini-game ensued where finding the sweet spot of a circle awarded the victor with a headstart as the 'normal' action began.

Expect this to be much the same case in 2K25, if not with more rest-hold abilities.

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