Xbox 720: 4 Ways To Guarantee A Good Launch

4. Do Not Release an Upgraded Version of the 360 If the console giant can take a cue from Nintendo it would be to mimic their business model with a larger focus on the hardcore. In order to attract new consumers en masse, Microsoft has to provide an experience that stands out from the competition while still holding fast to their roots. This is a hard task seeing as how Nintendo struggled with hundreds of €˜shovel-ware€™ titles that simply included €˜waggle€™ controls as a simple gimmick for their new console. In addition, Nintendo contended with the prospect of attracting new gamers to the fold, which they did, and providing content to their most fervent fans as well €“ which they also did €“ although it took some time to see first-party titles hit the console. The result? Nintendo did all but run away with the current console market in both the portable and home devices they developed and distributed. If Microsoft simply took a page from the example Nintendo has provided without compromising on their status as a provider of titles for the hardest of the hardcore as well, then the world would be their oyster. Final Thoughts All in all, Microsoft probably knows exactly what they€™re doing, however, you can only hope but imagine how they could mess it up.


Studying Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics at the University of Arkansas. Interested in a career in dentistry, videogame journalism, and music. ~ yes, all three. Check out my blog: Or shoot me an email at Follow me on Twitter @tsunamiavenger