4. Address the Various Issues Surrounding Software Concerns
A key point of information that Microsoft could reveal to put themselves ahead is whether or not their next generation of consoles will lock out used gaming capability. This has become a touchy issue with gamers, and its one that still has little to no actual confirmation/debunking from the actual industry itself. In fact, just one day after their big PS4 announcement, Sony reps gave this quote to GameStop's in-house publication,
Game Informer:
"We are just now announcing the basic vision and strategy of PS4 and will have more information to share regarding used games later this year. But PlayStation has a long history of keeping its gamers happy and we won't make decisions that damage our relationship with them." Sony didn't do themselves any favors with that statement, and Microsoft would be exceedingly smart to call them out on such cryptic wordplay by straight up confirming or denying the current rumors on the secondary gaming market. While they're at it, Microsoft should comment on the rumor that not only will the new Xbox use hard drive installation as its chief mode of processing, but also come down firmly on one side or the other when it comes to backwards compatibility. (Especially since they seemed in support of the idea for the first 2 years of the 360's life span)