Xbox/Bethesda Acquisition: 8 Predictions For What Comes Next

6. Elder Scrolls Online/Fallout 76 Focus

Xbox bethesda

With both titles already on Game Pass, you can expect these MMO titles to also receive an attention boost. ESO is by and far the more successful of the two, but regardless, there's now far less risk in floating near-permanent support and development teams for these titles, with Microsoft picking up the cheques.

Bethesda, prior to the deal, certainly demonstrated a willingness to invest in and support these titles. There's no indication that will change any time soon; if anything, you can expect a boost in time and resources devoted to them.

The reason is simple: Utilising a 'mechanic' of Game Pass as it is: expansions and DLC for the titles are often offered at discounted rates if they are Game Pass games.

Hooking players on ESO or 76 through Game Pass then selling them expansions, at special discounts to Game Pass subscribers, it the sort of money making cycle that Microsoft are doubtless aiming to develop and streamline to an art form.

Such massive and potentially perpetually expandable titles as these two certainly seem ideal for such a model.

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A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.