Xbox Game Pass: 10 Hidden Gems You Must Play

4. Onrush

Ruiner Game Art

When it comes to racing games, Game Pass has it all and then some. If you want a hyper-realistic driving experience then look no further than Forza. If you want some off-road fun, look no further than Dirt. If you're looking for high-octane, neon-infused mayhem then look no further than ONRUSH.

ONRUSH departs from your traditional round-the-track racing experience and brings you a chaotic arcade experience. You'll be tasked with taking out an opposing team of racers at break-neck speed as opposed to simply beating them in a series of laps around a course. It's high-speed fun that features big air and even bigger crashes.

Unfortunately, this didn't sell very well despite great reviews. Thus, it managed to go unknown by many because just not a lot of people were playing it. Game Pass has been able to breathe fresh air into the game, and give it a new audience the game has deserved for far too long.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.