Xbox Game Pass: 10 Hidden Gems You Must Play

3. Ruiner

Ruiner Game Art
Reikon Games

If you've been anxiously awaiting the release of Cyberpunk 2077, love Hotline Miami, got addicted to Superhot and enjoy some quality bullet hell, Ruiner might scratch an itch for you that you never knew you had.

Sporting a top-down perspective, Ruiner plays a lot like Hotline Miami except a tad more forgiving. There's no shortage of carnage, as you mow your way through countless gangs of enemies with weapon after weapon. Be it a katana, flamethrower or pulse cannon, there's no shortage of tools at your disposal.

The art and world building that goes on is incredibly done as well. The world is gritty yet glaringly bright. The world feels like if Dante's Inferno and Kill Bill had a baby that then mainlined red neon while electronically augmenting everything. It's such a unique and wonderfully built world that it's easy to immerse yourself into it.

As expected, the game can be tough. Bullets come at you from all angles and depending on the difficulty will strike you down after only a couple hits. It's a fast moving, ultra-violent, adrenaline pumping shooter that will no doubt leave you satisfied yet wanting even more.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.