Xbox Game Pass: 10 Hidden Gems You Must Play

2. Costume Quest 2

Ruiner Game Art
Double Fine

For anyone who wishes Halloween were 365 days a year, Costume Quest 2 will make you feel right at home. The game perfectly recreates the aura of Halloween and that sense of wonder and awe we all had as children. The colors are wonderful, the multiple costumes hit all the right notes and of course there's plenty of candy.

This is a game that functions as a "kiddies first RPG." It takes your standard RPG elements and simplifies them down to their most basic form. You can level up costumes to give your kids more abilities and moves in combat and explore to find new items and powerups.

Costume Quest 2 is a game you can pick up and finish in one day if it pulls you in enough. It's a short, fun little game that will take you back to a time when things were simpler - when Halloween was all about dressing up in cute costumes and fighting evil dentists to make sure Halloween was never cancelled.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.