Xbox One: 10 Brand New Tips, Tricks & Secrets You Must Try

4. How To Get The Best Xbox Live Connection

If you've bought either a PS4 or Xbox One, you'll want to make sure you're permanently connected to Microsoft's several thousand-strong farm of servers, and whilst the basic setup should get you online within minutes, there are a couple of manual troubleshooting tips that'll boost performance regardless. It's slightly more tech-focussed than you might be accustomed to, but look up your own router's port and how to open them, as the following can be added for your console to have the fastest connection. Port 88 (UDP) Port 3074 (UDP and TCP) Port 53 (UDP and TCP) Port 80 (TCP) Port 500 (UDP) Port 3544 (UDP) Port 4500 (UDP) Occasionally your Xbox will prompt for this to be done if your NAT has gone from 'Open' to 'Moderate' or 'Closed', but it's something you can do right off the bat if you know how.
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