Xbox One: 10 Upcoming Exclusive Games That'll Make You Buy It

10. Crackdown

The game that helped put the 360 on the map, and easily one of the most instantly engaging and downright fun titles anyone could get their hands on at launch. Playing as a superhero cop with the ability to hop in a variety of specialist vehicles whilst also harbouring the ability to boot any wayward perps into another penal code always got a smile, and even though the game's idea of difficulty was to just lob more guys at you with rocket launchers, it was an absolute blast while it lasted. Part two didn't deviate from the formula enough, essentially feeling like a DLC pack (albeit one with an awesome wingsuit to glide around the city) and so with a new Crackdown announcement comes the idea of them cranking up the crazy-dials and letting you restore order to an entirely new city, (hopefully) with a heft of new powers.
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Gaming Editor

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