Xbox One: 8 2018 Leaks & Rumors You Need To Know About

7. The Coalition Are Making A New Perfect Dark

Devil May Cry 5

On paper, the pairing sounds absurd. Perfect Dark, a series that's been on hiatus since 2005's prequel, no longer demands the audience it once did and has always been a first-person affair. The Coalition, a relative newcomer that built its reputation on adopting Epic's Gears of War, has no experience with first-person shooters.

But then, there's one crucial detail being deliberately withheld here. Jo Dark's rumoured return won't be following in its ancestor's steps, but rather, it'll adopt a refreshed third-person perspective. Factoring that in, the pairing begins to follow the laws of logic. Assuming it'd run off the same engine as does Gears 4, this could mark a terrific return to relevance for the cyberpunk shooter.

The salt shakers should be kept stocked for a rumour of this magnitude, but The Coalition has to be working on something since wrapping up post-launch support for Gears 4.

Whichever way the wind doth blow, expect the beans to be spilt at this year's E3.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.