Xbox One Backwards Compatibility: 10 Xbox Originals We Can't Wait To Play

7. The Punisher

Punisher game

Before Netflix, fans of The Punisher had this game.

The Punisher is one of the best comic book-inspired video games of all time, rivalled only by the Batman Arkham series. If you disagree with that statement, it's only because you've never actually sat down and played The Punisher.

The game itself is a mixture of the god awful 2004 movie as well as stories derived from comics. It even includes that apartment fight between The Punisher and a blonde Kevin Nash, and it's better and tremendously more brutal than the movie in every single way.

Frank 'The Punisher' Castle is known for his violence, and this game more than delivers in that aspect. It's brutal yet fitting, and never seems like the violence is there because the developers just wanted to shock people. Castle can interrogate enemies in some of the most gruesome and creative ways possible - you can hang someone over a wood chipper or over a tank of piranhas until you get the answers you are looking for, for example.

All violence aside, The Punisher was just a good game. The gunplay felt smooth and never before had the character been so well done. With how hot comic book adaptations are right now, there's never been a better time for this game to make a comeback.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.