Xbox One Backwards Compatibility: 10 Xbox Originals We Can't Wait To Play

6. Psychonauts

Psychonauts Game
Double Fine

One of the strong points of something like backwards compatibility is the opportunity for cult classics to make a comeback. it gives those who may have been too young, or simply missed out on them the opportunity to experience why it gained such a following.

Psychonauts is just that, a huge cult classic that became so beloved by all those who played it. Even with the huge amount of critical praise it received, it never sold well.

However, despite the poor sales, a sequel was announced ten years later to the happiness of many fans at The Game Awards in 2015. While there is no set release date for the sequel yet, bringing the original to the Xbox One would do nothing but boost knowledge of the sequel and hopefully bring in new fans by allowing them to experience what everyone has become so fond of.

Each level in Psychonauts felt like an acid trip. You'd go from a level in an Inception-style little neighborhood with streets bending all over in no physically possible way, then find yourself in a Lucha Libre neon-lit world... only to end up as a figure on a tabletop war game.

Psychonauts was all over the place, but its concept and design allowed it to be. In a time where platformers are making something of a comeback with Yooka-Laylee and Crash, it would be great to revisit one of the best to ever exist.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.