Xbox One X: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

2. The Price Is The Biggest Obstacle

Xbox One X S
"I’ve gotten this far without discussing the console’s $499 price, which is the primary obstacle to its mainstream success — even more so than the issue of how many potential buyers do or don’t own a 4K TV. Microsoft is certainly betting on the Xbox One X’s gaming performance; that’s why the company felt comfortable launching the console a year after the PS4 Pro. But with Sony saying that it left a 4K Blu-ray drive out of the PS4 Pro in an effort to keep the console’s price below $400, you have to wonder why Microsoft didn’t make the same cost-cutting sacrifice." - Polygon
"For most folks, the One X imposes a premium tax on a system that’s only marginally better in most ways than the cheaper Xbox One S...While the Xbox One X has claimed the new top spot, its closest competitors - the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One S - aren’t far behind. Despite not being able to play games in native 4K, these consoles are around half the price and look nearly as good. Their better balance between affordability and performance will make them a better pick for the vast majority of gamers out there, save for the few who see and appreciate the minor differences in premium, high-octane video quality and lower grade, but-still-awesome upscaled 4K." - Techradar
"The One X costs $500, while [PS4 Pro] launched at $400. That high price limits the Xbox One X to diehard Microsoft fans who don't mind paying a bit more to play the console's exclusive titles in 4K. Everyone else might be better off waiting, or opting for the $279 Xbox One S." - Engadget
"While the Xbox One X is an expensive box, from a hardware standpoint, you're getting a very powerful and capable machine. You'll be hard pressed to build a comparably powerful PC for $500. On top of that, you get a 4K HDR Blu-ray player, which can cost several hundred dollars on its own." - Gamespot

Unsurprisingly, the biggest hurdle facing players actually getting the One X in their hands is the price, which while impressive for the hardware it offers, is still outside the reach of most gamers, especially given the cheaper prices of the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S.

It seems unlikely that the One X will get a price drop any time soon as Microsoft seems totally comfortable with it being a unit for tech enthusiasts, so unless you really care about maximum visual fidelity from your console, the One X probably isn't for you.

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Xbox One X
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.