Xbox Project Scorpio Reveal - 10 Things We Learned

2. Microsoft Want To Be THE Place To Play Third-Party Games

Witcher 3
CD Projekt RED

One of the biggest takeaways here is how much Microsoft didn't give Eurogamer any new titles to play or experiment with. All tests were done with Xbox One/360 games running on Scorpio, rather than anything all-new.

This was of course not the case with the Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but it does bring about one big selling point: Microsoft want the Scorpio to be THE place to play third-party titles. They've clearly seen that Sony's first-party output has been outstanding - especially in 2017 - and are perhaps doubling down on the notion of upgrading everyone's established third-party collections instead.

Saying "Stick with us, and everything you own just got better" is one hell of a powerful marketing strategy, though time will tell if that gets surplussed with additional exclusives.

Because go on, name an upcoming Xbox One exclusive, or an established system-seller...


Going third-party might be the only option right now, but it's a solid one.

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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.