Xbox Series X|S: 10 Things You Didn't Know It Could Do

7. Send Captured Images & Video To Your Phone

xbox app

Not gonna lie, both the ninth generation's flagship companion apps are pretty incredible. Letting you do a mix of things including managing system storage or setting off downloads remotely, Microsoft go one better and provide additional options for all captured footage or screenshots.

Simply tether logins between the system and the app, and once you've captured a screenshot or video, you'll get a notification on your phone when it's finished processing. From here head into "My Library" and "Captures", to view fully rendered video or stills, that you can download to your phone or share online.

At time of writing this is a little delayed based on what I have to assume is the sheer amount of content being processed, but you can always access your captures on console while waiting.

Honestly, twinning photo modes in game with a console-level option to get them on your phone is pretty damn genius, and it's meant my phone's wallpaper changes pretty much every time I play something new.

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