Xbox Series X|S: 10 Things You Didn't Know It Could Do

8. Some Old Games Use Auto-HDR Better Than Others

Red Dead Redemption hdr

You've no doubt heard of auto-HDR for all games that don't have it, but Microsoft also coded Series systems to auto-enhance your entire library.

As many have found diving into everything from Beyond Good & Evil to Sleeping Dogs, there are scores of games that never had deeper colour contrasts programmed into them, that interface brilliantly with Xbox's new tech.

Again this is emerging over time, but there's a shortlist of games that benefit more than others to auto-HDR, being compiled mostly by word of mouth.

Some examples are the Splinter Cell games. Even the 2002 original's lighting really punches through the shadows as you slink by as Sam Fisher, and Rocksteady's Arkham series looks outstanding too.

Splinter Cell blacklist

The Mass Effect trilogy, Red Dead Redemption, Geometry Wars - anything where you think a game already has awesome scene-setting and a wide range of colours, will look so much better when it's enhanced.

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Gaming Editor

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