Yu-Gi-Oh: 10 Most Powerful Blue-Eyes Cards
6. The White Stone Of Ancients
The White Stone of Ancients depicts the birth of a Blue-Eyes and has two very powerful effects that earn it a place in every Blue-Eyes variant.
The White Stone of Ancient, affectionately nicked-named as an 'egg' is a level one tuner monster that allows you to special summon a Blue-Eyes at the end of your turn!
At the end of the turn, if the White Stone of Ancients is in your graveyard, no matter how it got there, you are able to special summon any 'Blue-Eyes' monster from your deck. This isn't limited to once per turn either so if you managed to dump two stones in the graveyard you'd end the turn with two Blue-Eyes White Dragons in play.
It also isn't limited to a regular Blue-Eyes, which means you can special summon Dragon Spirit of White to pop a backrow or Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon to negate a monster effect.
Its second ability allows us to banish our White Stone from the graveyard to return one 'Blue-Eyes' monster from the graveyard to our hand.
A major strength of Blue-Eyes decks is their card drawing, card filtering and card selection and the White Stone fits into this nicely. It allows us to discard what we need to pay for other cards such as Melody of Awakening Dragon or Cards of consonance and then we can add back what we discard (providing its a Blue-Eyes monster).
Lastly, the White Stone is a tuner monster which means it allows us to easily special summon our synchro monsters from the extra deck. Ancients also works perfectly with Linkuriboh, allowing us the abilty to get it into the graveyard with ease.
If you're running Blue-Eyes in 2020 you have to run three copies of this card.