Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 - 10 Things Fans Need To See

3. More Emphasis On Story

Zelda Breath Of The Wild Thumbnail

Breath of the Wild was a radical departure from Zelda games that came before it. Gone was the linear design where you go from dungeon to dungeon, finding items and unlocking new skills, instead replaced by an open world to explore at your leisure.

That, however, came with the lost of something very important to Zelda games, and that's the story.

The story of Breath of the Wild is, for the most part, pretty hidden. You're a Link who's been asleep for one hundred years, there's a beast called Calamity Ganon in Hyrule Castle, and it's up to you to stop it.

There's the occasional cutscene as you find memory spots or stop the Divine Beasts, but it felt severely lacking compared to other Zelda games in the series.

With more story in the form of sidequests, better dungeon design with relevant cutscenes, and just more story beats in general, Breath of the Wild 2 could easily strike that balance between a great story and letting the player have free agency to explore the world.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.