Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 - Every Confirmed & Rumoured Detail

8. Skyrim & Red Dead Redemption 2 Are Cited As Inspiration

Zelda Breath Of The Wild 2

BOTW was Nintendo’s first fully open-world game, so when it came to starting development, they looked elsewhere for guidance.

Back in 2017, Eiji Aonuma and director Hidemaro Fujibayashi confirmed in a Gamespot interview that they looked into Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for research purposes, with Aonuma advising “How can we prepare for this? What should we expect from games like this?'".

This may have contributed to Bethesda’s decision to putting in Link’s champions armour for the Switch release of Skyrim and Nintendo have not stopped looking elsewhere for BOTW 2.

Speaking to IGN after the sequel reveal, Aonuma then confirmed that one of the team’s new inspirations for the sequel is Red Dead Redemption 2. When questioned about the inspirations of the team’s younger members, he confirmed that “Something I did hear that a lot of people were playing was Red Dead Redemption 2”.

Whether this also means Cowboy Link is incoming with trusty stead Epona, or Arthur Morgan’s gonna find himself a champions tunic (If RDR2 ever comes to Switch) remains to be seen.
