Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - 8 Mind-Blowing Theories About The Story

6. We're Going To Return To Skyloft

Legend of zelda ocarina of time breath of the wild

Though many think the game may take place sometime after The Wind Waker, there are other details that suggest connections to titles much, much earlier in the timeline. Specifically, there are a bunch of connections to Skyward Sword, and one is particularly incredible.

Firstly, remember that huge angel statue that watched over the floating island of Skyloft? In the demo a smaller version of it (surrounded by even smaller statues) can be found in the Temple Of Time.

A reuse of assets, or something more?

Secondly, and most amazingly, at several points throughout the demo it's possible to see an island floating in the sky. Not a cloud, but a massive flat rock which looks extremely similar to Skyloft. There's no way it's there and unreachable, so could we be returning to Skyloft many, many years after Skyward Sword?


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.