Zelda: Link's Awakening - 10 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

8. It's Too Much For Too Little

Links Awakening Switch

As a generalisation, Nintendo products have always been more expensive than their direct competitors and this mostly down to their bizarre decisions regarding hardware. In the 1990's, Playstation owners could buy a brand new, AAA game for about £20 because Sony sensibly chose fairly standard discs as their medium... Nintendo opted for cartridges that were TWICE as expensive as an absolute minimum.

As time went by, the teeny-tiny 8cm Gamecube discs continued the trend being more costly than XBox or PS2 discs... so on and so forth. It should come as no surprise, with this in mind, that Nintendo Switch Game Cards can also be rather pricey but the sheer enormity of games like Breath of the Wild usually offsets this expenditure.

Not the case with Link's Awakening. At all.

Eight dungeons, a few sidequests, a bit of fishing, a weird Mario Maker style dungeon designer and even more collectable bits makes for a short game, on the whole, and a minimum of £50 at launch was just way too much for so little.

Preying on nostalgia and Zelda hype is utterly shameful Nintendo, hang your heads immediately.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.