Zelda: Link's Awakening - 10 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

9. It's Been Done Before

Links Awakening Switch

1993 saw the release of Link's Awakening on the GameBoy and the monochromatic, 8-bit green dot matrix screen didn't really do the game justice in terms of visual appeal. The same can be said of so many GameBoy titles such as Pokémon Red & Blue and even Tetris but the world was already used to seeing Zelda games in full colour thanks to A Link to the Past, among other titles.

Happily, Nintendo realised Koholint Island needed to be presented in colour and the colourised, expanded Link's Awakening DX was released on the GameBoy 'Color' in 1998.

Not only did the game realise Koholint in colour, it also added a new dungeon to really hammer home the fact that there was colour and compatibility with the GameBoy Printer that allowed the photograph sidequest to have some meaning.

Just in case it wasn't clear, the colour version of Links Awakening became fairly definitive and was even made available on the 3DS Virtual Console in 2010... so what was the point of doing it all over again? Really? When 'A Link to the Past' has been patiently waiting for exactly this treatment, we were given a 'direct sequel' instead...

Just get on with it, Nintendo.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.