5. Kitchen Aid Joke About Death
Someone very obviously got sacked for using the death of Barrack Obama's grandmother as the foundation for an ill-timed and offensive joke about the presidential debates from 2012. Whether or not they intended to Tweet from the company account (doubtful,) the joker brought a huge tide of ill-will to the account and brand through the idiotic slip, even if the frank and open apology helped appease some. It's not a smart move to insult anyone's dead family members, but when they're the most powerful man in the world, you're not likely to emerge well from the situation. But hey, at least they didn't use the death of a beloved pop music icon to get some Likes...
If anyone invites you to Like something to end Cancer or World Hunger, or to show that you care, with the inevitable caveat that failure to press a button will confirm that you're just about the worst person in the world, you should remove them from your Facebook friends list immediately. These people should be neither encouraged or tolerated, and that goes doubly when the poster of the offending status is as big a brand as MSN.