10 Best Moments In Starrcade History

8. Bret Hart Vs. Goldberg (1999)

Starrcade Sting looks lost

Bret Hart's match with Goldberg at Starrcade 1999 was simultaneously one of the best and worst moments in the event's history, having featured a botched superkick that ultimately precipitated the Hitman's premature wrestling retirement.

Given that he was still only in his early 40s (and just a couple of years into his thus-far disappointing run in WCW), the bout - however big a draw - definitely wasn't a fair trade-off, but at the same time it simply has to be included on the list.

This was two of the biggest wrestling stars of the '90s locking horns for the first time, a feud that began - brilliantly - months earlier with Hart goading his opponent into spearing the metal plate he had beneath his hockey jersey. Without question, the high point of the Canadian's time in WCW.
