10 Best Rock 'N' Sock Connection WWE Moments

9. The Sunglasses Incident

One of the best moments that the pair had together and one that epitomised exactly why their oddball energies meshed so well together happened after the show had stopped filming. According to Mick, they used to go out and hype the crowd for a bit after the show to send the fans home happy.

The pair are in the ring as The Rock is addressing the crowd, with all of his usual style and rolling out the expected catchphrases. During a particularly dramatic head movement, his glasses come loose and fall to the mat.

The Rock freezes and just looks at them. The crowd seems unsure of what to do. It isn't within the Rock's character to bend down and awkwardly pick them up; it's pretty out of character to even suffer such a wardrobe malfunction.

Luckily for everyone involved, the other man in the ring is no stranger to awkward actions and well-intended weirdness. Mankind leans down, picks them up and offers them over.

After pausing a beat, The Rock tells Mankind that "The Rock thanks you for that" and the segment continues.


Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.