10 Things We Learned About Chris Benoit Tragedy From Kevin Sullivan On Jim Cornette's Podcast

1. He Heard Rumours Of Another Benoit Affair

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It's important before digging into this one to say that these are just rumours Sullivan heard years after he'd left the pro wrestling biz. He was working on setting up a gym in Florida at the time, and someone told him that Benoit was having an affair behind Nancy's back.

Kevin wasn't in contact with either party, had no axe to grind anymore and didn't even know if the gossip was true. It didn't take long for the story to leave his mind, but it's something he brought back up on Jim Cornette's pod as a possible add-on to the fragmenting relationship between Chris and Nancy before their grim demise.

Did it happen? Who knows.

It's possible. Benoit was hardly thinking straight around the time of the tragedy, and VICE's documentary did explore how difficult things were between the couple by 2007. Sullivan doesn't know either way. He did hear the rumours at the time however.

What else did you learn from Kevin Sullivan on Jim Cornette's podcast? For more like this, check out 10 Things We Learned From VICE's Dark Side Of The Ring: Chris Benoit and 10 WWE PPVs Fans Thought Would Totally Suck (But Didn’t)!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.