10 Times Wrestlers Couldn't Remember Their Match

4. British Bulldog (SummerSlam 1992)

British Bulldog Bret Hart

This one is a bit different.

Seconds into their huge Intercontinental Title match in front of 80,000 screaming fans at Wembley Stadium in London, Davey Boy Smith looked Bret Hart in the eye and admitted he'd forgotten the whole match. To his credit, the 'Hitman' remained composed enough to lead his brother-in-law through the thing hold-for-hold.

It's hard to give 100% of the cred to Hart; even with the British Bulldog's mental blank, he still had a part to play in making a mat classic. Still, it's true that Bret did do some pretty special handholding when the pressure was on. He'd laid out a meticulous plan for the headliner that'd take fans on a journey, and he dragged Davey kicking and screaming through 25 minutes of action.

Bret's performance was so good, and Bulldog's poker face so convincing, that it's not obvious Davey was befuddled. Even more impressively, the match went off without a hitch. How the hell did they manage that when one guy didn't have a clue what was going on?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.