10 Ways WWE Isn't For You Anymore

8. Obsessed With Selling SEX To The Younger Demo (Who Still Aren't Watching)

Toxic Attraction

With the aforementioned Wednesday Night War trouncing fresh in their minds, Vince McMahon felt a serious change-up was needed in order to drive up the younger demo tuning into his USA developmental show.

So gone were the excessive use of skulls and Poppy; in their place was a garish multi-coloured Performance Center playground. And instead of dedicating time and effort to ridiculously talented super-workers who had made a name for themselves elsewhere, the focus was shifted towards a new wave of glamorous amateur athletes having to navigate this complicated industry in front of a few hundred thousand sets of ageing eyes every week.

And if that wasn't enough to provoke the younger generation into tuning in on a Tuesday night, 2.0 has pathetically gone out of its way to sell its PG variety of sex to those horny 18-49 onlookers in the form of the ever-present attention sent the likes of the usually half-naked Toxic Attraction or instantly meme-able Nikkita Lyons and her rather provocative finisher's way.

Despite all this blatant sexual tension throughout the two-hour product, though, there's still no real sign of that key younger demo being in too much of a rush to stick around for this shameless ride.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...