10 Wrestlers WWE Will Regret Releasing

1. Aiden English

Rusev Facepalm

Following Simon Gotch's WWE release, Aiden English was left in limbo as The Vaudevillians were only really just starting to hit their stride as a tag team on the main roster. However, when he was unexpectedly aligned with Rusev, English managed to get over with fans in a big way, and proved to be an entertaining ally to the Bulgarian Brute.

That ended a little too soon after a poorly put together romance angle, and English was then moved to the 205 Live commentary team where his work received rave reviews from wrestling fans.

No one could really understand why he wasn't calling the action on SmackDown each week after a brief appearance on the blue brand, but English continued making an impact every Friday night. For a while, the signs were pointing to him being groomed as a top commentator in WWE, but his release means that's simply not going to happen now.

As a wrestler, English is unlikely to make the biggest of impacts on the independent scene, but as a commentator? Well, his voice is one which could soon dominate the wrestling world, and with the likes of Byron Saxton and Jerry "Ramen Noodle" Lawler on RAW each week, WWE will soon realise that they made a mistake letting him go.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.