10 WWE Horrors That Took Years Off Your Life

1. The Undertaker’s Brutal Retirement Run

Braun Strowman WWE Why

This writer was in attendance for The Undertaker's headliner vs. Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33, and it was a painful experience. The legend notably fell down twice during Tombstone spots, but did rally to make something of the bout eventually. Still, 'Taker felt he owed Roman an apology for floundering around out there.

Worse was to come.

WWE squeezed every last bit of supernatural juice from 'The Deadman' over the next few years, but it was becoming obvious that he just couldn't cut it in marquee matches like before. Bouts vs. Triple H in Australia, Goldberg in Saudi Arabia and a shockingly crap DX vs. Brothers Of Destruction tag proved it.

'Taker almost suffered a broken neck (or even worse!) during the match with Goldberg. It started OK, but quickly degenerated into a messy mix of botched spots and knackered exchanges. Watching the rapid decline of a true great was agonising, and probably kept some of his longtime fans awake at night.

What other horrible WWE moments took years off your life? For more wrestling, check out 10 WWE Wrestlers To Jump Ship RIGHT NOW and 10 Wrestlers Who Peaked In WWE Developmental

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.