12 Greatest Ever Fictional Wrestlers

4. The Lout Brothers - The Ren & Stimpy Show

the wrestler mickey rourke

These two monsters hail from perhaps the only pro wrestling cartoon that's better than Bunny Hugged: Mad Dog Höek, a 1992 episode of the Ren and Stimpy Show. The title characters are matched against the undefeated Lump and Loaf, the Lout Brothers. They're hulking, Legion of Doom-esque brutes, and they absolutely demolish their opponents. It's like they rotoscoped a particularly nasty Steiner Brothers squash.

Unlike the Crusher, they are able to withstand attacks based on cartoon logic; Ren applies a sleeper hold to Loaf, and he produces a tray of hot coffee from his tights, for example. Later, Lump maims Stimpy with the most fearsome fictional wrestling hold of all time, the dreaded Flying Butt Pliers. The image of a cartoon cat clenched between the airborne cheeks of a giant dude has haunted me for twenty years, and now, dear reader, I pass it on to you.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.