12 Greatest Ever Fictional Wrestlers

1. Rasslor - Dial 'M' For Monkey

the wrestler mickey rourke
Cartoon Network

Okay, so maybe this random Dexter's Lab b-segment is the best wrestling cartoon ever. When a super-powerful, super-competitive alien comes to Earth, he demands that our champions meet him in single combat to prove that our planet deserves to exist. Earth’s greatest champions fall, one after another, until only one scrappy survivor is left, refusing to quit. Eventually, the alien is moved by his conviction, and decides to spare our planet in honor of our champion’s intestinal fortitude. Oh, and the alien is a seafoam green space luchador played by Randy Savage.

Just like Bone Saw, this character succeeds primarily on the strength of Savage’s brassy baritone. In fact, as fun as it is to watch pastiches of everyone’s favorite Superfriends get pummeled with folding chairs, I can only imagine how much fun the guys at the recording studio had watching Randy scream his lines into an innocent microphone, which probably collapsed into dust the moment they stopped recording. Incidentally, I have always believed that when and if aliens invade Earth, it is not our technology but our dropkicks and atomic drops that will save us; James T. Kirk and Ultraman, among others, would seem to agree. 


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.