18 Image Changes WWE Wrestlers Should Never Have Tried

7. Boxcar Phil Gonna Beat You Up

Since leaving WWE, CM Punk has had pretty much free reign to do whatever he pleases. He€™s gotten married, been to more hockey games than you can shake a stick at, begun writing Marvel comic books, and set his stall out as a potential UFC contender, with his first fight due later on this year. But all of those accomplishments pale into insignificance besides the massive beard he€™s been cultivating for the past few months. And I do mean €˜cultivating€™ - back when he was the leader of the Straight Edge Society in WWE, Punk also grew a massive beard. But he also stopped cutting his hair or shaving his chest, allowing all of his hair to grow wild, rampant and more or less unkempt: that €˜John The Baptist in the wilderness€™ look was what he was after. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f9WMgE-EVk Here, the length appears to be important, as the rest of the beard is sculpted and trimmed, from the moustache to the sides. Of course, with the odd grown-out military-looking cut he has on top - sides shaved to the skull, top slicked back - the overall appearance is peculiar, to say the least. Add to that his newly discovered penchant for wearing wooly hats pulled down across his skull, and it€™s safe to say that €˜Hobo€™ Phil Brooks (to give him his new UFC nickname) won€™t be winning any awards for sartorial elegance any time soon.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.