22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

11. Vince McMahon Becomes Mr. McMahon

Up until 1996, Vince McMahon was strictly treated on-air as a broadcast personality and announcer, though memorable rants from Jim Ross and Stone Cold in 1996 both made reference to him being the real-life owner of the WWE. Vince's presence on TV was further expanded when Bret Hart attacked him following his losing a Steel Cage Match to Psycho Sid, but the night that everything changed forever was September 22, 1997, when Stone Cold came out to the ring to attack Owen Hart. A number of police officers interrupted Austin, as did Vince, who tried to calm Austin down given his near-career-ending injury suffered at Hart's hands just 7 weeks earlier. Austin then gave Vince a Stunner, and one of the most legendary feuds in wrestling history was born. The Mr. McMahon character outlived the feud and became a beast of his own, enduring over the years as one of the most-loathed heels in the history of the company. Not bad for what could so easily have been nothing more than a lame ego-trip.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.