All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

10. King Of The Ring 1998 (Kane Vs. Steve Austin)

Triple H Batista

Stone Cold and Kane had a tough act to follow, as right before their First Blood match for the WWF title, the Undertaker and Mankind put on their iconic Hell in a Cell match. Luckily, in 1998, Austin was white-hot, so the crowd are more than willing to perk up. Your enjoyment of this match depends on how you feel about the bulk of Austin’s Attitude Era main events: lots of crowd brawling, gimmicks, interference, intersecting angles - basically, just a whole lot of non-wrestling.

AKA: Vince Russo’s wet dream.

And boy, is there a lot of Russo in this match. The Cell inexplicably lowers on Austin and Kane, Undertaker and Mankind get involved, and the match ends with a shocking swerve, as an errant chair shot from ‘Taker makes Austin bleed, resulting in Kane becoming the WWF Champion for a day. Then Austin won it back on RAW in order to pop a rating.

Again: Russo’s wet dream.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.