Bret Hart's WrestleMania Matches - Ranked From Worst To Best
5. Vs. The Nasty Boys - WrestleMania VII
I really didn't expect this match to rank higher than anything involving the Foundation and the Bulldogs, but here we are. My memories of Jerry Sags and Brian Knobs aren't exactly glowing, one could even describe them as nasty. I remember Knobs being in the final three of a Royal Rumble and the team breaking my heart (pun intended) by taking the tag titles off Bret and the Anvil here.
Looking back as a slightly less emotionally involved old man, this is a lot of fun. The tag team division in 1991 was really quite impressive (also on the show we find the Legion of Doom, Power & Glory, The Rockers, Haku & The Barbarian and Demolition), but it was time for Bret to break out as a singles star. The plan was for the belts to eventually move to LOD, and the Nasties were chosen as the transitional heel team to get them there.
The match starts hot, with the Foundation on fire and the crowd behind them in a big way. Once Knobs and Sags take control everything slows down a bit, but that is to be expected. Neidhart eventually gets the hot tag and the champs seem to have the match won, before that no good !*$% Jimmy Hart gets involved once again. The Anvil is thwacked with a motorcycle helmet, and that's that.