NXT TakeOver Toronto: 10 Awesome Moments

3. Samoa Joe Becomes NXT Champion Once Again

Bobby Roode

The reaction to Samoa Joe's latest NXT Title win proves that few could foresee such a result coming. Any air seemed to be sucked out of the Air Canada Centre in an instant, people were there to party with Shinsuke Nakamura. Therefore, jaws were left wide open when the popular Japanese grappler came up short and dropped his title.

Not every match on a pro wrestling show should be predictable, nor should every single one give those in the audience exactly what they want. Wrestling is a show after all, one relying on a keen sense of surprise to keep crowds coming back. WWE mastered this idea at TakeOver: Toronto.

Planting Nakamura on a set of steel steps outside the ring, Joe then rolled the champion back in, hit him with a rapid Muscle Buster and pinned him for the victory. Even though the heel swivelled round to ensure he was facing the hard camera as he held Nakamura's shoulders down, it's possible some were waiting for Shinsuke to kick out.

He didn't, Samoa Joe is the new NXT Champion.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.