Page 5 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer


10 TV Show Scenes Actors Hated Shooting

Moments when the stars lose their shine: Chris Pratt, Emilia Clark, James Marsters, and more...
By Daniel Wylie

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz: The Impossible Buffy Summers True Or False Quiz

How well do you remember the Slayer?
By Laura Holmes

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Supernatural Or The X-Files Quiz: Which TV Series Is The Monster From?

Buffy's beasts, Dean's devils and Mulder's monstrosities are sharpening their teeth for you.
By Alisdair Hodgson

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz: Can You Match The Buffy Summers Scene To The Season?

Can you ace this Buffy quiz?
By Laura Holmes

10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Actors Who Went On To Star In Supernatural

Switching sides gets a bad rep. Who says the Buffy gang can't play it both ways?
By Alisdair Hodgson

Supernatural, Buffy The Vampire Slayer Or The X-Files: Which Show Do These Actors Appear In?

The unholy TV triumvirate of Hunters, Slayers and Feds share more than you might think.
By Alisdair Hodgson

Harry Potter Or Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz: Who Said It – Lord Voldemort Or The Master?

They're both murderous psychopaths, but can you tell who said which line?
By Jacob Wilkins

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appear In One Episode

Even though they only appeared in one episode, these characters were unforgettable.
By Jacob Wilkins

Harry Potter Or Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz: Who Said It – Draco Malfoy Or Spike?

Can you figure out which blond-haired legend said the following lines?
By Jacob Wilkins

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Or Angel Quiz: Who Said It - Rupert Giles Or Wesley Wyndam-Pryce?

Watcher vs watcher - which of the stuffy English gents delivered these iconic lines?
By Alisdair Hodgson