10 Best Robin Comics Of All Time

5. Batman Incorporated

Robin 90s Comic
DC Comics

Much like Jason Todd, readers had mixed responses to Damian's very existence. So it stands to reason that both characters should meet a similar fate.

In one of the greatest Bat-family crossover events of the New 52, Batman Incorporated featured a worldwide roster of characters culminating in an epic battle against the League of Shadows.

Under Talia's radical rule, the League set to destroy much of Gotham and rule over its ashes. If Talia wasn't crazy enough, she had also engineered a clone of Damian that was fully grown but featured a deformity causing him to retain his childlike face.

Seeing all of the Bat-family come together against unstoppable odds was made that much more amazing after the heroic sacrifice Damian gave to save his family and friends.

The saddening sight of the lifeless young Robin would go on to haunt the pages of each characters' storylines over the following months.

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